Posts by Iris Graville

A Posthumous Conversation with Rachel Carson

When I embarked on writing about threats to the Salish Sea off the northwest coast of Washington state, I read at least as much as I wrote. One author I studied hungrily was Rachel Carson—marine scientist, writer, and editor. Perhaps best known for Silent Spring (1962), she also wrote two earlier books about the ocean. The first one, Under the Sea-Wind (1941) is an account of the interactions of a sea bird (a sanderling), a mackerel, and an eel off the Atlantic coast. The Sea Around Us (1951), serves as a biography of the sea and is noted for both its science and its poetic prose.

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Hiking Naked

The Lady of the Lake glides to the dock as Captain Wilsey steers the boat’s white body, trimmed in crisp blue, within inches of the pilings. The aluminum gangplank squeaks and creaks into place, bridging the boat deck to the landing as The Lady’s passengers tromp across its grated metal in waffle-soled hiking boots.

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One writing group

All of the pieces in this issue of SHARK REEF are from the members of one long-standing writing group on Lopez Island. We are honored to have been invited to share our work in this publication. We admit to having “connections.” Two of our members, Lorna Reese and Leta Currie Marshall, have been among the steadfast leaders of the Lopez Writers’ Guild as well as the founding editors of SHARK REEF. But over the past seven years, we’ve proven ourselves to be worthy of this recognition. All of us have been published, and several of us have rejection letters from some very fine publications.

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Balancing Act

Recently I received my membership card for the Pacific Northwest Writers Association. The next day I deleted my name from a listserve for the state public health association. One rite of passage followed another as I make a living as a nurse, writer, and artist – a balancing act I’ve been refining for nearly ten years.

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Rolling Old River

Every time I sing that folk song, I think of the Stehekin River, formed by glaciers of the North Cascades and flowing into Lake Chelan in North Central Washington. That old river changed dramatically during our second winter living on its banks, and the “Flood of ’95” left its mark on me.

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