This nest of sun-crackled grass pulls me earthward
like seed heads drowsy with late summer’s weight,
more prone than upright, closer to winter
than to the longest day. Sunk to earth’s
Issue Seventeen – December 2010
Disappearing Hieroglyphics
By Maya Borhani
Reading Jung Late at Night
By Maya Borhani
I see the pictures now just as they are,
golden knights and a fearsome dragon
come to contend for the fate of our souls.
They rise from the page in a language known
Labor Days
By Elizabeth Landrum
I want to dream a fitting phrase;
I want to fly
into a bowl full
of refrigeratormagnetwords
Why Write?
By Elizabeth Landrum
I twirl through mazes of cornstalks
without noticing
the flaxen beauty of the bounty,
Still Evolving
By The Editors
SHARK REEF was launched in June of 2001 to give voice to emerging as well as established writers of the San Juan Islands of Washington State. Now, on the eve of its tenth anniversary and in collaboration with Heron Moon Press, SHARK REEF offers the same opportunity to all serious writers committed to producing original writing of high quality — regardless of where they live.
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