Issue Twenty - Summer 2012

She Asked

By Jacob Kulju

Without knowing how,
she asked
with every part of herself she knew how to use.
She slept curled in a question mark
and ellipses grew like tails on the ends of her thoughts…
She said, simply—how?
and tried not to look too hard.

How do you listen for what you’ve never heard?
The thought was tremendous.

When it first began to come, it was unrecognizable.
It kept gathering
into foreign and beautiful shapes she had never seen.
Then, it was no thing at all, but an opening
widening across her wild, unpatterned interior.
Everywhere the chasing sky, the stretching field.

Her edges became laced and delicate
until they fully disappeared,
no border between where she stopped and the world began.

Copyright Kujliu 2012